Upcoming Events

Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans (LBT) Women’s Health Week

A chance to make LBT women aware of risk factors more prevalent within LBT communities e.g. higher prevalence of substance use, misinformation regarding sexual health testing, higher prevalence of depression

Date: 8th-14th March

Website; www.nationallgbtpartnership.org

Fact: Less than half of lesbian and bisexual women have been screened for sexually transmitted infections

Stress Awareness Month

Are there any LGBT-specific mental health support services in your area? If you’re in Greater Manchester, do patients know that they can access counselling with LGBT Foundation or online resources through our Wellbeing Hub ?

Dates: 1st – 30th April

Fact: 52% of young LGBT people reported self-harm either recently or in the past – this number is over double that of the general population.

Website: www.lgbt.foundation/talkingtherapies